Cumbez Tree

Business travel AMAS Global Group

The Cümbez Tree in the Famagusta region has been witnessing history for seven centuries. This tree according to botanists was planted at the time when the building of the original St. Nicholas Cathedral structure commenced, hence making it over 720 years of age, and the oldest living tree on the island.

The tree has many names, including Ficus sycomorus, the sycamore fig, or the fig-mulberry as its’ leaves resemble those of the mulberry – however, locals refer to it simply as the “Cumbez” (jewm-beyz). The Cumbez is native to Africa south of the Sahel and north of the Tropic of Capricorn and is a tropical fig species that has been cultivated since ancient times.

The trunk of this tree, which was planted in 1299 during the Lusignan period, splits into seven branches after 2.70 meters.
Cümbez, the oldest and most vibrant tree known in Cyprus, bears fruit seven times a year. Located in the courtyard of the Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque, the 723-year-old and about 15-meter-tall tree also has a fascinating shade. The trunk of the tree is surrounded by smaller branches that grow from the main trunk, and these give the tree additional support. It is also known that the historical Cümbez Tree witnessed many historical events such as the Ottoman conquest of Cyprus in 1571, the Cyprus Peace Operation in 1974, and so on in Cyprus, where many different civilizations lived.
Cümbez has been considered important in the region since the time of the ancient Egyptians due to its ability to create a semi-enclosed shade space for sunny places and its valuable timber for furniture making.

More health-conscious visitors may also be tempted to hug the sycomore – hugging a tree increases levels of the hormone oxytocin, responsible for feeling calm, emotional bonding, and general happiness. The Cumbez is also known to absorb the negative energy of its visitors and turn it into positive ones.
It is listed under the Department of Culture’s National Heritage List and is protected by the Department of Forestry Famagusta Office.

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