
You have questions. wE have answers.

Welcome to our Question Page! Explore a collection of commonly asked questions, or if you have unique inquiries, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to provide the answers you need with a touch of personalized assistance. Your curiosity is valued, and we look forward to hearing from you!

What services does AMAS Global Group company provide?

AMAS Global Group provides a range of services including Property Investment, Business Consulting, Student Visa, Home Decoration, rent and sale property. Visit our services page for a detailed list. https://www.amasglobalgroup.com/our-service/

How can I contact AMAS Global Group company?

You can contact us via email at info@amasglobalgroup.com , or call us at +90 548 838 7178 at working hours. Alternatively, you can use the contact form on our website. https://www.amasglobalgroup.com/contact-2/

Where is AMAS Global Group located?

We are headquartered in Kyrenia, North Cyprus. More details can be found on our 'Contact Us' page. https://www.amasglobalgroup.com/contact-2/

Does AMAS Global Group have a Privacy Policy?

Yes, we value your privacy and protect your data. Our Privacy Policy can be found on our website.

Do I need to create an account to use AMAS Global Group services?

No, you just need to contact with us and request what you need.

Can I provide feedback on AMAS Global Group services?

Yes, we welcome and appreciate your feedback. You can share your experiences and suggestions by emailing to info@amasglobalgroup.com

How long in advance should I notify AMAS Global Group company before purchasing my ticket?

We encourage you to inform us of your travel plans as early as possible to ensure we can provide the highest quality of service. Ideally, please notify us at least two weeks prior to your ticket purchase. This enables us to prepare and provide the most comprehensive service tailored to your needs.

Am I able to opt for an individual tour instead of a group tour?

Absolutely! Opting for an individual tour allows for a more personalized experience, giving you the freedom to take your time and ask questions specific to your interests. We're committed to tailoring our services to best suit your needs.

Do we need to bring our own towels and sheets when renting an apartment or villa?

Rest assured, we've got you covered! Your rental accommodation will be fully equipped with clean sheets and towels. However, if you plan on visiting the pool or beach, we do recommend bringing along extra towels for your convenience.

Is cleaning service included during my stay?

Regular cleaning services are not included during your stay, and guests are typically responsible for maintaining cleanliness. However, if you require additional cleaning support, you can request it and we will accommodate your needs. (In this case you can ask the price before ordering)

Can AMAS Global Group assist me in finding a job?

While we do not provide regular job placement services, we are always ready to assist and advise where we can, and potentially recommend you to relevant contacts if opportunities arise.

How can I become a part of the AMAS Global Group team?

We welcome diverse perspectives and abilities to our team. You can explore current opportunities and learn more about working with us by visiting our 'Work with Us' section at: https://www.amasglobalgroup.com/work-with-us/

Can you assist me in starting my own company?

Absolutely! We take pride in our service of assisting clients to establish their own businesses. Our team provides step-by-step guidance to help improve and grow your company. You can read more in Business section, https://www.amasglobalgroup.com/business/

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