Tulipa Cypria

Business travel AMAS Global Group

Grown on the pastures around the Tepebaşı and Avtepe villages, the deep red flower blossoms can be seen in March and April.

Tulipa cypria, the Cyprus tulip, is a tulip, an erect perennial bulbous herb, 15–40 cm high (in blossom), with glabrous, glaucous leaves. The four leaves are alternate, simple, entire, and fleshy, the two lower ones are larger, lanceolate, 10-20 x 2–6 cm, with conspicuously undulate margins, and the two higher much smaller, nearly linear. One terminal showy flower, perianth cup-shaped, of six free, petaloid segments, 2.5-9 x 1-3.5 cm, with dark blood-red color, internally with a black blotch bordered by a yellow zone. It flowers March–April. The fruit is a capsule.
Under the protection and picking are forbidden, the absence of references to this endemic tulip species in ancient literature suggests that the Cyprus Tulip may be a recent mutant of a species which have arrived at the island within the last 300 – 400 years.

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